NCSET2020 is an International forum for new trends in Computer Science and Engineering. The conference welcome unpublished papers in different tracks in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering. NCSET2020 for the first time gathers research specialists from different backgrounds for a discussion meetings. It will build a fruitful relationship between the authors for future collaboration.
TDue to covid 19 pandemic, the conference deadline changed to Open
The authors can submit anytime and their submission will be processed once received.
NCSET2020 accepts unpublished papers in the following network areas , but not limited to:
NCSET2020 welcomes papers on the areas of Computational Intelligence including but not limited to:
NCSET2020 welcomes original papers in the following topics , but not limited to:
NCSET2020 welcomes original articles in the following ares , but not limited to:
NCSET2020 WelcomeS original papers In the following areas, but not limited to:
NCSET2020 WelcomeS original papers In the following areas, but not limited to:
The number of pages limit is 6. Extra pages will be charge $20 per page up to 8 pages.
All of the submission goes through EasyChair at :Selected papers will be submitted to Springer on Application of machine Learning in Engineering series for indexing. Extended version of selected papers will be published in one of the ISI or Scoups journals.
The selection of the Journal will be based only on the chairs recommendations.
The following are some of the selected journals:
Coming Soon.....