A Conceptual Model for E-Participation by Omani Citizens using Blockchain Technology
E-participation, blockchain, conceptual model, satisfactionAbstract
The expansion of effective state-society participatory channels at the national and local levels has proven a challenge in the Sultanate of Oman since the 1980s. In this regard, the rapid emergence of technological disruptors raises opportunities for new forms of political participation. The central concept of e-participation involves Information and Communication Technology (ICT) being deployed to facilitate citizen engagement with government and policymaking. E-participation systems provide possible solutions for the physical, logistical and perception barriers to enhance participation rates. However, electronic systems, reliant on centralized servers, have limitations in terms of satisfying cybersecurity, transparency and trust concerns. Blockchain technology can remedy this problem via its decentralised, immutable and incorruptible nature. The objective of the proposed research is to design a new Blockchain model that can provide innovative e-participation solutions, contribute to the global academic and applied literature on e-participation, address the questions of user satisfaction, and position the sultanate as a leader in this critical area. The proposed model will be mutually beneficial to the government sector and the citizens of Oman.
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