Encapsulate Sec: A Link-Layer Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks
WSNs, Encapsulate Sec, MAC, link-layer security protocolAbstract
Communication energy is the primary cause of power consumption for WSNs. All of the encryption protocols suggested for WSNs in the literature are designed to reduce security-related communication overheads in several ways to save communication resources. Therefore; all emerging energy-efficient protocols affect security resistance factors. However, maintaining communications security in WSNs is also critical. another challenge is the fact that WSNs suffer from limited bandwidth, memory, and computing capacities. They work in an unattended way in hostile conditions. An energy-efficient link-layer security framework is therefore necessitated. This paper proposes an energy-efficient link-layer security protocol called Encapsulate Sec. In addition to saving power consumption, Encapsulate Sec offers all security utilities. Encapsulate Sec provides node authentication, message integrity check, replay protection, and message semantic security at the reduced expense by minimizing overhead communication in the data packet and implementing only symmetric security algorithms. It also masks both the header fields and the MAC, making it more difficult to eavesdrop the wireless communication traffic. It also reduces the impact of message spoofing and replays attacks and MAC cryptoanalysis.
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