Olive Waste Valorization for Food Biotechnological Applications (Mini-Review)
Due to its richness in nutrients, added-value ingredients and bioactive compounds, olive agro- wastes they should not be considered as “wastes”, but “raw material” pave the way for food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. In the food sector, these biowastes offer best suited ingredients for manufacturing valuable compounds such us biosurfactants, mushroom, enzymes, olive leaf tea, vinegar, polysaccharides, vitamins, antioxidants, flavor compounds, and other unique functional properties. Furthermore, olive wastes find some distinctive applications including water purification, nutritional functionality enhancement, sensory quality improvement, food additive, food shelf-life extension, active packaging and food preservation. This review summarizes all bioactive ingredients, compounds and products issued from olive wastes and discusses their valorization for food biotechnological applications.
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