Comparative Adverse Effect of some Common Household Chemicals on Both liver and kidney of Albino rat


  • Fathy, M. Elshaer Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, AlAzhar University, Egypt. Jouf University, College of Science, Biology Department
  • Othman, F. Abdelzaher Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.


Bisphenol A (BPA) - 2-Beutoxyethanol (2-BE) - Kidney- liver- Albino rat


Kidney and liver are target organs playing a major role in excretion and elimination of the body waste metabolites and they are sensitive to action of the toxic agents. Thus the present study was designed to compare and assess hepatic and renal tissues injuries induced by common household chemicals namely Bisphenol A (BPA) and 2-Beutoxyethanol (2-BE) in adult male albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Oral treatment with sub-lethal dose (200 mg/kg/day) for 15days resulted in different histopathological effects in both liver and kidney of male albino rat(Rattus norvegicus). Fatty change liver, necrotic hepatocytes, congested blood, infiltration of polymorph leukocytes, pyknotic hepatocytes and aggregation of melanomacrophages in the hepatic tissue were observed. While in kidney; shrinkage and atrophy of glomeruli, hypertrophy of glomeruli with glomerular distortion, necrotic renal tubules, stagnation fluid in renal tubules, severe atrophy of renal tubules and some macrophages cells were observed.


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How to Cite

Elshaer, F. M., & Abdelzaher, O. F. . (2021). Comparative Adverse Effect of some Common Household Chemicals on Both liver and kidney of Albino rat. WAS Science Nature (WASSN) ISSN: 2766-7715, 4(1). Retrieved from



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